Who’s looking at your dating app data?

Online dating can be a bit of a minefield, but it’s not just bad dates that you need to be worried about. Are you aware your dating app data is reaching more than potential matches? Find out more from CSIRO here.

Consumers Federation of Australia (CFA) is engaging with the challenges of data privacy by supporting CFA consumer representatives to participate on a number of Standards Australia Technical Committees developing standards on the  internet of things (IT-042); health records (HE-025); and information security techniques (IT-012). These committees are also members of relevant international standards development committees such as ISO IEC JTC1/SC 27 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection.

In Australia the Consumer Data Right (CDR) will give consumers the right to safely access certain data about them held by businesses. It will be rolled out in stages starting with the banking sector (known as ‘Open Banking’). Next, it will be implemented in the energy and telecommunication sectors. It will then be introduced sector by sector across the broader economy. More information about the timing of this implementation is available from the ACCC website

We are seeking volunteers to represent consumers in the development of standards. Find out more about the CFA Standards Project and register you interest here

Need more information? Contact standards@consumeraction.org.au.