Members Directory

This page lists CFA’s organisational members: organisations with a consumer focus compatible with the objectives of CFA and with no conflict of interest.

Australian Communications Consumer Action Network

The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network is the peak body that represents all consumers on communications issues including telecommunications, Internet, broadcasting, broadband and emerging new services. ACCAN provides a strong, unified voice to industry and government as they work towards availability, accessibility and affordability of communications services for all Australians.

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Association of Participating Service Users (APSU)

The Association of Participating Service Users (APSU) is a Victorian consumer representative body at the Self Help Addiction Resource Centre (SHARC).

APSU believes that people who use drug and alcohol services have a wealth of knowledge and experience. APSU has been set-up to ensure that people who use alcohol and other drug services opinions, ideas and experiences contribute to policy, research, service provision and professional development. APSU draws guidance and direction from an advisory committee made up mostly of consumers.

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Australian Consumers Insurance Lobby

Australian Consumers Insurance Lobby (ACIL) advocates on behalf of consumers on the crucial issue of affordability and availability of insurance. ACIL closely monitors and challenges unfair practices, and any actions that undermine the rights and interests of policyholders. Their goal is to create a fair and transparent insurance market where consumers are treated with respect and their rights are upheld. They are dedicated to ensuring that insurance companies prioritise the needs of their customers and provide transparent and ethical services.

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Australian Motorcycle Council

The Australian Motorcycle Council is the peak motorcycle rider organisation in Australia, providing a voice for Australia’s motorcycle-riding community of over 800,000 riders. The council is made up of the peak rider organisations from each state and territory plus other organisations.

AMC’s objectives include promoting and improving all aspects of road safety concerning motorcycling in Australia; promoting, improving and protecting the recreational use of motorcycles in
Australia; and promoting the safe and convenient use of motorcycles in Australia.

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Australian Privacy Foundation

The Australian Privacy Foundation is the primary association dedicated to protecting the privacy rights of Australians. The Foundation aims to focus public attention on emerging issues which pose a threat to the freedom and privacy of Australians. The Foundation has led the fight to defend the right of individuals to control their personal information and to be free of excessive intrusions.

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Bush Money Mob

Bush Money Mob (BMM) provides financial counselling for some of the most remote people on the continent, providing culturally appropriate financial counselling to members of remote communities who are often underserviced by government, lack continuity with city-based financial counselling agencies, and are targeted for unsuited or unfair plans and loans.

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Cairns Community Legal Centre

Cairns Community Legal Centre (CCLC or the Centre) is a not-for-profit community organisation that provides legal services and referrals for the benefit of people in the community experiencing disadvantage. The Centre is one of more than 200 community legal centres nationwide.

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Care has been supporting the Canberra community since 1983 and believes in financial fairness for all. They are a community organisation that provides free and confidential support and assistance to people living on low to moderate incomes or who are experiencing financial difficulty.

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Caxton Legal Centre

Located in Brisbane, Caxton Legal Centre is an independent, non-profit community organisation whose objectives are to provide low income and disadvantaged persons with free legal and social welfare services. These persons could be in need of relief from poverty, distress, misfortune, destitution and helplessness, or education in legal, social welfare and related matters.

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Centre for Women’s Economic Safety

The Centre for Women’s Economic Safety Ltd (CWES) exists to support women experiencing, at risk of experiencing, or recovering from economic abuse in the context of domestic and family violence. CWES aims to assist women experiencing economic abuse by connecting them with appropriate information, services and assistance to support their economic safety and reduce the burden of economic abuse on victim-survivors by sharing their lived experiences.

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As the leading independent and transparent consumer advocacy group in Australia, CHOICE’s main objective is to ensure that the voice of consumers is heard. CHOICE empowers consumers, ensuring that they receive both advocacy and advice when making purchasing decisions.  CHOICE also campaigns to protect and assist consumers through changes to laws and industry behaviour.

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Combined Pensioners & Superannuants Association of NSW

CPSA was founded in 1931 as a non-profit, non-party-political membership association serving pensioners of all ages, superannuants and low-income retirees.

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Consumer Action Law Centre

Consumer Action is a campaign-focused consumer advocacy, litigation and policy organization based in Melbourne, Australia. As the largest specialist consumer legal practice in Australia, Consumer Action provides free legal advice and pursues litigation for vulnerable and disadvantaged consumers across Victoria. They offer advice and assistance to consumers and campaigns for change in consumers’ interests. Consumer Action is also a nationally recognized and influential policy and research body. CALC pursue agendas of law reform across a widespread of consumer issues at levels of government, in the media, and throughout the community.

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Consumer Credit Legal Service WA

As a not-for-profit charitable organization, Consumer Credit Legal Service (WA) Inc. provides legal advice and representation to WA consumers, in credit, banking and finance sectors.  They also provide consumer voices to WA consumers on issues of policy and law reform. CCLAWA also take an active role in community legal education through media, seminars and publications, aiming to raise general public awareness of consumer rights in credit, banking and financial service areas.

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Consumer Policy Research Centre

Established in 2002, Consumer Policy Research Centre is a specialist consumer organization that provides fair outcomes for Victorian energy and water consumers through policy and regulatory processes.

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Consumers Association of South Australia

As the voice of South Australian consumers, Consumers Association of South Australia represents consumers’ interests, encourages the distribution of information on issues affecting consumers, and provides opportunity for discussion these issues, with the aim of lobbying them to all government levels.

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COTA Australia is the peak national organisation representing the rights, needs and interests of older Australians.  COTA Australia is the national policy and advocacy arm of the COTA Federation which comprises COTAs in each State and Territory. COTA Australia focuses on policy issues from the perspective of older people as citizens and consumers.

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Darwin Community Legal Service 

Free and confidential, the Darwin Community Legal Service assists in the protection of the legal rights of disadvantaged members of the community. DCLS aims to provide legal advice and support to everyone in the community, ensuring that all people are aware of their legal rights.

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Energy Consumers Australia

Energy Consumers Australia promotes the long-term interests of consumers with respect to the price, quality, safety, reliability and security of supply of energy services. They are an independent organisation created by the Council of Australian Governments to give residential and small business energy consumers a national voice in the energy market.

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Financial Counselling Australia

As the peak body for financial counsellors in Australia, Financial Counselling Australia supports the financial counseling profession by providing a voice in national debates.  They also advocate for behalf of the clients of financial counsellors for a fairer marketplace that will prevent financial problems in the first place.  Financial counselors provide information, support and advocacy to assist people in financial difficulty.

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Financial Counselling Victoria

The FCRC is the peak body for financial counsellors in Victoria. The FCRC provides financial counsellors with resources and support, promoting the needs of those experiencing financial hardship. FCRC also provides information, support and advocacy to Victorians in financial difficulty. FCRC works within the community sector, and offers free, independent and confidential services.

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Financial Counsellors’ Association of NSW 

The Financial Counsellors’ Association of NSW Inc (FCAN) is the peak membership body that represents and supports Financial Counsellors in NSW. FCAN was established in 1980 and has a rich history of advocacy and supporting financially vulnerable people and people experiencing financial hardship.

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Financial Counselling Association of WA

The Financial Counsellors’ Association of WA (FCAWA) is the state peak body for financial counsellors in WA. FCAWA supports all financial counsellors and financial capability workers in WA ensuring best practice by providing access to professional development, information, resources, and relevant casework support.

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Financial Rights Legal Centre

The Financial Rights Legal Centre (formerly Consumer Credit Law Centre NSW) is a community legal centre specialising in financial services, particularly in the areas of consumer credit, banking, debt recovery and insurance. It is the only such Centre in NSW, and one of the only centres in Australia that fully integrates telephone assistance and financial counselling with legal advice and representation. The Financial Rights Legal Centre also operates the Insurance Law Service, a national specialist consumer insurance advice service.

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First Nations Foundation

First Nations Foundation is a successful Indigenous financial wellbeing foundation led by an Indigenous majority board. It has a strong trust reputation with both financial and Indigenous community sectors, a powerful track record of results, agility and innovation. The Foundation conducts 4 key areas of activities: financial education, superannuation outreach, community advocacy/leadership and research.

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Good Shepherd Microfinance

Good Shepherd Microfinance is a world leader in financial inclusion products, services and advisory. They offer fair and affordable financial programs to people on low incomes, and advisory services with a global reach.

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Health Consumers’ Council Western Australia

HCC is an independent, not for profit organisation passionate about ensuring the consumer is at the heart of WA’s health care system. They provide services and programs to help consumers navigate the WA healthcare system as well as training and supporting consumers so that people can have a say in health policy, planning and review. HCC also conducts its own systemic advocacy for the WA community, participating in a large range of committees and working groups to ensure the consumer voice

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Hobart Community Legal Service

HCLS is a community organisation whose aims are to foster community awareness of the law, to make the law more equitable and accessible to the public, and to provide free legal information, advice and referral to the general public in southern Tasmania.

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Home Economics Institute of Australia

HEIA is the peak professional body for Australian home economics professionals. Their mission is to educate, inform and act as an advocate to government, industry and the community for families and households, in order to provide individuals with the opportunity to make informed decisions that enhance their everyday living.

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Indigenous Consumer Assistance Network

Located in several locations in Queensland, ICAN provides consumer education, advocacy and financial counseling services to Indigenous consumers across Australia. ICAN aims to empower Indigenous consumers by providing them with assistance to alleviate consumer disadvantage, the education to make better informed consumer choices, and advocacy services which highlight and tackle Indigenous consumer disadvantage.

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Justice and Equity Centre

JEC (formerly Pubic Interest Advocacy Centre or PIAC) tackles difficult social problems that impact on the lives of many Australians. They conduct test cases and strategic litigation in the public interest, and provide legal assistance, policy advice and training to create positive change to the lives of people who are disadvantaged and marginalised.

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Owners Corporation Network

OCN is a not-for-profit organisation that exists to help strata owners navigate strata living, from social and organisational challenges to financial and legal issues. They are run by people with first hand experience of strata life and help and educate owners and the wider community while advocating for the strata perspective in legislation and policy.

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Public Transport Users Association

Operating as a non-profit, voluntary, consumer organization, with no political affiliations, the Public Transport Users Association represents passengers from all forms of public transport.  The PTUA takes the interest of all users of public transport into account when lobbying governments and public transport authorities.  PTUA promotes public transport and educates the community about the benefits of sustainable transport policies through the media and working with other bodies. PTUA researches into transport policies that will improve transport services and make Melbourne and regional Victoria a better place to live.

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Queensland Consumers Association 

The Queensland Consumers’ Association is a non-profit organisation established in 1976 to advance the interests of Queensland consumers. The Association’s members work in a voluntary capacity and specialise in particular policy areas including energy, finance, health, food, dispute resolution and informed choice. The Association lead the national campaign that in 2009 resulted in large supermarkets and some online retailers being required to display the unit price (price per unit of measure) of pre-packaged grocery products in addition to the selling price.

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Redfern Legal Centre

Redfern Legal Centre (RLC) is a community legal centre which provides free legal assistance in areas including credit, debt and consumer law. RLC’s Financial Abuse Service NSW is a state-wide multidisciplinary socio-legal service which provides trauma-informed assistance to victim survivors of financial abuse from an intimate partner. RLC also coordinates the Economic Abuse Reference Group, a national network of over 50 community organisations across Australia which provide expert input to industry and Government to improve responses to the economic impacts of family violence.

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Salvation Army’s Moneycare

The Salvation Army’s Moneycare service provides free and confidential financial counselling. Moneycare clients come from all walks of life. They can help you if you are in financial difficulty, in a financial crisis situation or wish to avoid financial difficulties.

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Solar Citizens

Solar Citizens is an independent, community-based organisation that represents the millions of Australian households who are powering their lives with the sun, and the vast majority of Australians who support the transition to renewable energy and clean transport. Their vision is for an Australia where everyone is enjoying the financial and health benefits of clean technology: renewable energy, clean transport, and electrified homes.

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South Australian Financial Counsellors Association

The South Australian Financial Counsellors Association is the professional association for Financial Counsellors in South Australia.  They provide resources and support to financial counsellors.  Financial Counsellors assist South Australians in financial difficulty by providing information, support and advocacy, and work within the community sector. Services offered by the South Australian Financial Counsellors Association are free, independent and confidential.

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South East Community Links

South East Community Links, or SECL, is a trusted source of support to deliver solutions to challenges faced by people in south east Melbourne. The help they provide leads to improved social and economic outcomes for people facing barriers to living a full life.

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Super Consumers Australia

The SCA is the people’s advocate in superannuation. We work to advance and protect the interests of people on low and middle incomes in Australia’s superannuation system. The SCA has been brought into existence to be a strong, fearless voice for people with superannuation savings.

The SCA has partnered with Australia’s leading consumer advocate, CHOICE, to deliver a program of work over three years.


WEstjustice is a community organisation that provides free legal help to people in the Western suburbs of Melbourne. They can help with a broad range of everyday legal problems including consumer disputes, credit and debt, family law and family violence, fines, motor vehicle accidents, tenancy and more. WEstJustice have offices in Footscray, Werribee and Sunshine, as well as a number of outreach services.

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