Get Help

The Consumers Federation of Australia is a national body that campaigns in consumers’ interest. CFA is a federation of non-government consumer organisations.

CFA does not provide direct assistance to consumers, although many of our members do. This page provides some information that may be useful if you or a friend, family member or client have a consumer problem.

National resources

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is the national government agency responsible for consumer issues. It provides information on how to resolve a consumer problem.

The National Debt Helpline is a website managed by Financial Counselling Australia. You can also call them on 1800 007 007 for telephone advice about credit and debt problems and/or referral to a financial counsellor or credit lawyer. Calling this number puts you through to a service based in the State where you are calling from. Not all services are able to offer advice over the phone.

MoneyHelp is a website operated by the Consumer Action Law Centre. MoneyHelp is supported by the Victorian and Australian Governments. It provides free, confidential and independent financial counselling advice to Victorians who are experiencing financial difficulty.

ASIC’s MoneySmart provides extensive information about financial issues.

Financial Counselling Australia‘s website has fact sheets on issues with credit and debt, template letters to contact creditors and short videos about how to deal with debt.

Complaintline provides a comprehensive list of organisations who might be able to help you with a specific complaint.

Consumers Health Forum fact sheets provide health information for consumers.

Product Safety Australia provides information on recalls and other product safety issues.

Consumer Advice Services

New South Wales

NSW Office of Fair Trading (for general advice) or 13 32 20

Community Legal Centres NSW (02) 9212 7333

Financial Counsellors Association of NSW (referral to financial counsellor) 0500 888 079

Tolling Customer Ombudsman (independent dispute resolution) 1800 145 009


Consumer Affairs Victoria (for general advice) 1300 55 81 81

Consumer Action Law Centre (03) 9670 5088

Financial and Consumer Rights Council (referral to financial counsellors) 03 9633 2000

Tolling Customer Ombudsman (independent dispute resolution) 1800 145 009

Australian Capital Territory

ACT Office of Fair Trading (for general advice) (02) 6207 0400

Care Inc Financial Counselling Service and Consumer Law Centre of the ACT 02 6257 1788

South Australia

SA Office of Consumer and Business Affairs (for general advice) (08) 8204 9777 (if outside Adelaide: 131 882)

Uniting Communities 1800 615 677

South Australian Council of Community Legal Centres (08) 8342 1800

Western Australia

Department of Consumer Protection (for general advice)  1300 304 014

Financial Counsellors Resource Project (referral to financial counsellors) 08 9221 9411

Consumer Credit Legal Service 08 9481 7665

Financial Counsellors’ Association of Western Australia 08 9325 1617


Tasmanian Office of Consumer Affairs & Fair Trading (for general advice)  1 300 654 499

Anglicare Financial Counselling Service 1800 243 232

Hobart Community Legal Service 03 6223 2500


Queensland Office of Fair Trading (for general advice)  13 QGOV (13 74 68)

Legal Aid Queensland (advice line) 1300 65 11 88

Tolling Customer Ombudsman (independent dispute resolution) 1800 145 009

Northern Territory

Northern Territory Consumer Affairs (for general advice)  08 8999 6047

Anglicare East Arnhem Money Support Hub 08 8939 3400

Northern Territory Financial Counselling, Capability & Wellbeing Hub (Lutheran Community Care) 08 8953 5160

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