Vulnerable Consumers

Isolated shining metal shopping trolley without anything located separately on yellow background Isolated shining metal shopping trolley without anything located separately on yellow background

Mandatory code of practice, subsidies for food transportation and increased income support needed A coalition of consumer and indigenous groups is calling on the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) to better protect vulnerable residents in remote areas. The organisations have welcomed the proposed National Strategy for Food Security in Remote First Nations Communities, but they…

Read More Consumer Groups Call on NIAA to Strengthen Remote Food Security Strategy

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Medical authorities must take urgent action to ensure that up to 200,000 medical implant recipients are aware of the health threat posed by the looming 3G network shutdown. ACCAN CEO Carol Bennett said the recent delay to the shutdown of the 3G network was to be applauded, but there was growing concern that people were…

Read More Medical Authorities Urged to Address ‘ticking time bomb’ of 3G Shutdown on Medical Devices

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Older people are urging a bipartisan approach from the Federal Government and Opposition to urgently introduce a new rights-based Aged Care Act. Organisations representing older Australians and their carers say the Aged Care Act needs to be introduced into Federal Parliament this sitting fortnight if laws are to be passed this year that address the…

Read More “Stop dithering on older people’s rights” – Self-Advocates Urge MPs to Act Now on Aged Care Reform

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From the Chair of the Banking Code Compliance Committee: This year we issued three sanctions to three banks for serious and systemic breaches of the Code [relating to deceased estates]. This action underscores our commitment to hold banks accountable for the promises they make under the Code and to respond firmly where we find serious…

Read More BCCC Releases 2023-2024 Annual Report, Deceased Estates a Focus of Investigation

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The growing rate of scams and the devastating impact they are having on Australians has been recognised by the Federal Government through the establishment of the SMS Sender ID Register – but it should be made mandatory. ACCAN has welcomed this important step in the fight against scams but urges the government to  ensure that…

Read More Consumer Advocates Call for Mandatory SMS Anti-Scam Registry

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The Justice and Equity Centre (‘JEC’) and People with Disability Australia (‘PWDA’) welcome today’s White Paper announcing the Government’s intentions to develop new Disability Standards for air travel. This is a significant first step in addressing longstanding discrimination by airlines which has prevented people with disability from being able to travel by air equally with…

Read More Advocates Welcome New Aviation Transport Standards, Urge Genuine Co-Design with People with Disability

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Empowering older people and people with disability to participate effectively in decisions affecting the quality of their lives is a keystone of a civil society. The recent Royal Commissions on ageing and disability highlighted the importance of government-funded advocacy services in the empowerment of older people and people with disability when they need to access government-funded…

Read More Improving Advocacy by Aged Care and Disability Services – New Standard Published

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The Consumer Policy Research Centre (CPRC) has just released a new research report Let me out – Subscription trap practices in Australia (published August 2024, written by Chandni Gupta, with thanks to CHOICE and Swetha Meenal Ananthapadmanaban) detailing harmful subscription trap practices in Australia and their affect on consumers. Additionally, the report explains best practices…

Read More New Report on Subscription Traps in Australia and Best Practices Going Forward

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Australia’s peak communications consumer body, ACCAN, welcomes today’s joint announcement from major telcos Telstra and Optus that the shutdown of 3G networks will be delayed until 28 October. ACCAN yesterday called on the Minister for Communications, Michelle Rowland to delay the shutdown due to health and safety concerns particularly with the ongoing access to triple zero services…

Read More Advocates Welcome Extension of 3G Network

An animation of a hand holding a megaphone An animation of a hand holding a megaphone

With ongoing cost of living pressures impacting household budgets, the Consumer Affairs Victoria has come up with some tips to help you become an informed and savvy consumer and to save some money along the way. When you shop, think carefully before you buy. Learn more about consumer guarantees here. Save at the checkout by…

Read More Top Consumer Tips to Beat Cost of Living Pressures

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The ACCC is investigating the safety of aftermarket children’s car seat head straps and baby bottle self-feeding devices, after the Assistant Treasurer issued Safety Warning Notices for each of the products. The safety warning notices warn consumers of the possible risks of injury or death to infants and children associated with the use of these products. “The ACCC…

Read More Safety Warnings Issued for Children’s Seat Head Straps and Self-Feeding Baby Bottles