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Consumers have strongly backed proposed rule changes being considered by the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) that are designed to enable growth in electricity exports from rooftop solar panels, enabling more Australians to share in the economic and environmental benefits.  This is an Energy Consumers Australia media release, originally published on 27th July, 2021. The changes would allow…

Read More Australian consumers back proposed solar export rule changes

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With inefficient halogen lamps proposed to be phased out in Australia from late 2022, consumers will soon be looking for more certainty around performance claims for LED lamps.  Lighting accounts  for around 10% of electricity usage in households, and 18–40% of in commercial premises. The recently published Australian/NZ standard provides suppliers with a clear guidance on how to…

Read More More efficient lighting for consumers

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The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) today released five compliance and enforcement priorities for 2021-22, which include a major focus on protecting energy consumers. This is an Australian Energy Regulator (AER) media release, originally published on 23rd June, 2021. AER Chair Clare Savage said the AER will be monitoring retailers to ensure they identify residential consumers in…

Read More AER’s 2021-2022 compliance and enforcement priorities: Consumer protection

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Consumer Action has welcomed the Victorian Government’s announcement today that it is banning high-pressure sales tactics like unsolicited door-to-door sales and cold-calling to protect people from being taken advantage of by energy retailers. The Victorian Government has also announced plans to ban door-to-door sales of solar panels through the Solar Homes Program. This is a Consumer Action Law Centre media release, originally published on 25th…

Read More Tougher rules banning aggressive energy & solar sales a big win for all Victorians

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Thousands of customers on a standing offer contract across New South Wales, South-East Queensland and South Australia will share in over $65 million of bill savings in 2021-22 following the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) today releasing the final Default Market Offer (DMO). This is an Australian Energy Regulator media release, originally published on 27th April, 2021. The final…

Read More Electricity Customers on a standing offer will share in over $65 million of bill savings

Person comforting another who is in bed Person comforting another who is in bed

Customers needing life support equipment – such as kidney dialysis machines – will find it easier and cheaper to shop around for better energy deals under a new rule announced by the Australian Energy Market Commission. This is an AEMC media release, originally published on the 25th February, 2021. The change to the National Energy…

Read More New rule helps life support customers switch and save on energy plans

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Australia’s Energy Star Rating scheme provides consumers with useful information about the relative energy efficiency of a product. The more stars a product gets, the more energy efficient it is compared to other models of the same size or capacity. The energy star rating of an appliance is determined by its energy consumption, using the relevant Australian Standard for measuring energy consumption…

Read More Public comment invited on updates of the energy efficiency labelling requirements for dishwashers and dryers

A transmission tower A transmission tower

New and stronger penalties introduced under the national energy laws will provide a greater incentive for businesses to comply with laws designed to protect Australian electricity and gas consumers. This is an Australian Energy Regulator News Release The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) Chair Clare Savage said, “Consumers expect energy companies to play by the rules…

Read More Stronger penalties demand energy businesses prioritise compliance with the law

A kitchen tap pouring water into a sink A kitchen tap pouring water into a sink

When it commenced on 1 January 2019 the Payment Difficulty Framework (PDF) represented a major shift in the Victorian retail energy sector’s response to payment difficulty. This is an EWOV article. Under the PDF, energy retailers have been required to take a much more proactive and tailored approach when assisting financially struggling customers. Almost two…

Read More Missing the Mark: EWOV insights on the impact of the Payment Difficulty Framework

A transmission tower A transmission tower

Victoria has taken the lead among Australian states in recent years with significant reforms designed to protect Victorians from being ripped off by energy retailers and ensure people receive appropriate hardship assistance. There has been some success, but too many people are still falling through the gaps. This is a Consumer Action Media Release That’s…

Read More Victoria’s energy reforms positive but enforcement needed: Consumer Action

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The Australian Energy Regulator (AER) and Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) on Friday published Testing Comprehension of the Reference Price, research jointly commissioned from the Behavioural Insights Team (BIT). This research provides new insights about the ways consumers understand electricity offers and the AER and the ACCC will use these insights to consider how…

Read More New research shines light on how consumers understand electricity offers