How efficient is your dishwasher, and clothes dryer?

Energy rating labels provide consumers with information on the energy efficiency of a range of appliances including dishwashers and clothes dryers. High levels of performance, energy efficiency and water efficiency (where applicable) are priorities when purchasing electric dishwashers and rotary clothes dryers and included in the recently amended standards (AS/NZS 2007.1:2021 and AS/NZS 2442.1:2021). Consumers’ Federation of Australia supports a representative to participate on the Standards Australia Technical Committee EL-059 Dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers which reviewed these standards and completed the amendments.

The Energy Rating Label is part of the Australian Government’s Equipment Energy Efficiency (E3) ProgramAll products covered by energy efficiency regulations must meet certain requirements before they can be supplied or sold in Australia or New Zealand. Learn more about how to save on your energy bills with the energy rating label. Also see the CHOICE review of dishwashers to avoid.

Consumers’ Federation of Australia supports consumer representation on Standards Australia Technical Committees as part of the CFA Standards Project. For more information and how to participate, contact

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