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Original media release from CHOICE (30/08/2023). “We gave several playpens a score of zero for performance simply because they had so many failures,” says Kim Gilmour, CHOICE’s team leader for household products.  In fact, eight of the 25 models in our current review failed to pass CHOICE’s key safety requirements – that’s almost a third, a…

Read More Almost a Third of Playpens Fail CHOICE Safety Test

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Clean up Australia inspires and empowers communities to clean up, and to fix up and conserve our environment; the annual Great Spring Clean is another chance for Aussies everywhere to get out and clean up our local environments and improve public places throughout September. Get out there and take practical action before the heat of summer hits, find out how to get involved and if your Council is supporting the clean up here.

Read More Great Spring Clean September 2023

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Nearly everything we touch has a Standard connected to it, in our everyday lives and in every Australian industry, and they make everything work. As a consumer, access to standards can help you become more informed about what to expect from product and service providers. Standards Australia has launched a new program for improving access to Australian Standards.

Read More Free Access to Australian Standards for Consumers

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In recent times there have been significant storms and flooding in Australia with a serious impact on dwellings and communities. When carrying out flood repairs to a building, after prioritising health and safety, there are precautions to be taken, and consumers should be aware of the serious impact of mould and other effects of exposure…

Read More Water, Buildings, and Restoration: Beware of Mould

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Plastic Free July® is a global movement that helps millions of people be part of the solution to plastic pollution – so we can have cleaner streets, oceans, and beautiful communities. Anyone can get involved, and you can start out small or really challenge yourself – find out what you can do by clicking here and visiting the Plastic Free July website.

Read More Plastic Free July

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As part of the ASEAN-Australia Digital Trade Standards (DTS) Initiative, Standards Australia has launched the 2023 Fellowship Program. The program is designed to connect emerging professionals with leading experts in standardisation and digital trade across Australia and ASEAN.
Participation in the 2023 ASEAN-DTS Fellowship Program provides a valuable opportunity for both established and emerging professionals to meet, network, and collaborate with others in the field.  

Read More Call for Digital Trade Standards Mentors

ACCC product safety: sleep your baby safe. Putting your baby to sleep flat on their back is the safest way for them to sleep

Infant incline products may be marketed for sleep, however they are unsafe for babies to sleep in. The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) advises reports indicate 151 babies in Australia have died in inclined products such as rockers, bouncers, and on propped items.

Read More Infant Inclined Product and Sudden Death