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The ACCC is currently holding consultations for RSPCA Australia’s newly lodged certified trade marks (CTMs). From the ACCC: The marks are intended to indicate that products marked with the RSPCA certified CTMs have been produced under the RSPCA Certified Scheme. According to RSPCA Australia, the RSPCA Certified Scheme is: “a farm animal welfare certification scheme…

Read More RSPCA Re-Brand Farming Welfare Certification Scheme

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Previously, the Consumers’ Federation of Australia has campaigned for changes to current labelling laws for seafood at cafes, restaurants and clubs – advocating for country of origin-specific labelling. Recently, the Albanese government has announced that while there will be changes to seafood country of origin labelling, the labelling will be restricted to differentiating between Australia and overseas.

The below press release from Senator the Hon Tim Ayres, Assistant Minister for Manufacturing and Assistant Minister for Trade explains some of the reasoning behind the conversation and the government’s approach.

Read More Seafood Country of Origin Labelling Changes

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The Australian Government wants your views on a proposed model for mandatory country of origin labelling (CoOL) for seafood in hospitality settings. Under the model, businesses would need to provide information on whether their seafood is Australian, imported/international, or from mixed sources. The government is committed to improving information for consumers while minimising costs and…

Read More Country of origin labelling for seafood

The Albanese Government will provide $1.6 million to deliver its election commitment to introduce Country of Origin Labelling in the seafood industry.  The Government will work closely with the seafood and hospitality sectors to improve seafood labelling and help consumers make informed decisions about the food they buy.  Assistant Minister for Trade and Manufacturing Tim…

Read More Clearer seafood labelling a big win for consumers

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FSANZ is a statutory authority operating under the Food Standards Australia New Zealand Act 1991. FSANZ develops standards that regulate the use of ingredients, processing aids, colourings, additives, vitamins and minerals. The Food Standards Code also covers the composition of some foods, such as dairy, meat and beverages as well as foods developed by new…

Read More CFA Seeks a Consumer Representative for the Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) Consumer and Public Health Dialogue (CPHD)

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The latest edition of the Queensland Consumers Association’s (QCA) newsletter Unit Pricing Global Update reports that: India will require display of the Maximum Retail Price (MRP) per standardised unit of measure (i.e. the unit price) on pre-packaged commodities sold by retailers after 31 March 2022. Currently only the MRP has to be displayed. In New…

Read More Mandatory grocery unit pricing coming to India and New Zealand

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CFA has made a submission to the consultation the on how the Australian Government can regulate organic products domestically. The consultation document examines the policy problem under consideration, as well as potential regulatory and non-regulatory options for reform. In its submission CFA states: Australian consumers should be protected from misleading and misrepresentation in relation to produce and…

Read More CFA publishes submission to Domestic Organics Regulatory Impact Statement

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The Federal Government has released its evaluation of Country of Origin Labelling for Food reforms. The evaluation began 2 years after the reforms came into full effect in 2018 and took 12 months. The evaluation: found that the Country of Origin Labelling for Food reforms were well implemented, effective and met its objectives, and recommended…

Read More Country of Origin Labelling for Food evaluation released

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The National Measurement Institute’s (NMI) report on retailer compliance in 2020-21 reveals that 88% of fruit and vegetable retailers, 42% of meat, fish and poultry retailers, and 25% of supermarkets were not complying with their legal requirements when audited during a concentrated period during the year. Much of this post is taken from a media release by Queensland…

Read More Report finds many food retailers not complying with weights and measures laws

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The nation’s peak body for consumer organisations, the Consumers Federation of Australia (CFA) says shoppers will miss out on big savings possible when buying groceries, and other packaged products, as a result of federal government not improving the current Unit Pricing Code. The Code requires only large supermarkets and some online grocery retailers to provide…

Read More Federal government misses opportunity to help shoppers save at the checkout

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CFA has made a submission to the federal government on its draft new Grocery Unit Pricing Industry Code of Conduct. The submission disagrees strongly with the conclusions of the review of the current Code and with the proposed new Code’s provisions (which are identical to those of the current Code). It also argues that implementation…

Read More CFA and member organisations call for changes to proposed new federal Unit Pricing Code