General Insurance Code Governance Committee launches website

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The Code Governance Committee (the Committee), has launched its website

The Committee’s website is an independent resource for consumers, small business and Code subscribers that will be periodically updated with news about its work and publications. The Committee’s website includes:

  • information about the Committee and what it does, the Code and Code subscribers
  • information for consumers and small business about their rights under the Code
  • guidance for Code subscribers on compliance, and
  • the Committee’s publications.

If you have a concern about Code compliance you may report it to the Committee through the website.

The Committee’s website is the key source of its publications related to monitoring Code compliance. Stay informed about the Committee’s activities, including publications and guidance documents uploaded to the website, by subscribing to updates.

The Code Governance Committee is an independent body that monitors and enforces insurers’ compliance with the Code.

The Code covers many aspects of a consumer’s relationship with their insurer, from buying insurance to making a claim, to providing options to those experiencing financial hardship, to the process for those who wish to make a complaint.