Global average concentrations of all major long-lived greenhouse gases continue to rise in the atmosphere, driving further climate change says a new report by CSIRO: State of the Climate. This eighth biennial State of the Climate report is a synthesis of the science that underpins our understanding of Australia’s climate. It is intended to inform economic, environmental, and social decision-making by governments, industries and communities. The report covers Australia’s changing climate, oceans, greenhouse gases, and future climate, see more on the video.
Consumers Federation of Australia (CFA) engages with these issues by supporting a representative to the Standards Australia committee EV-021 Environmental management and the subcommittee on Greenhouse gases. The subcommittee mirrors the work of ISO TC 207 SC 7 Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities responsible for the development of standards to manage and mitigate GHG emissions, as well as to adapt to the effects of climate change and in support of sustainability. As part of the CFA Standards Project the representative ensures the impact on consumers is always a central part of committee considerations.