Consultations and Review

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The independent panel reviewing the 2020 General Insurance Code of Practice (Code) hasreleased the first of two consultation papers and is calling for written submissions from the public.The independent three-member panel, chaired by former APRA Deputy Chair Helen Rowell, isseeking feedback on the practical operation of the Code and relevant external developmentsincluding: Ms Rowell encouraged…

Read More Independent Code of Practice Review call for Written Submissions

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Yesterday the Parliament passed the Competition and Consumer Amendment (Fair Go for Consumers and Small Business) Bill 2024. This reform, which forms part of the Albanese Government’s Better Competition election commitment, establishes a designated complaints function within the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) from July 2024. Today the Albanese Government releases the draft designated…

Read More Consultation Opens as Parliament Passes Designated Complaints Measure

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Original text from the AER (8/03/2024). The Australian Energy Regulator is developing a toolkit to help consumer-facing energy businesses identify and engage with consumers experiencing vulnerability. The toolkit has been informed by: It summarises insights from these sources into 6 better practice principles: The toolkit has been designed to help staff at consumer-facing energy businesses…

Read More Consultation for AER on Developing a Toolkit to Identify and Support Vulnerable Consumers

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Original media release from The Hon Stephen Jones MP, Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Financial Services (7/03/2024). Consultation available here. The Albanese Government is working to improve insurance affordability as more severe weather events contribute to higher costs. As these events intensify and become more frequent, it’s also important consumers know exactly what they are…

Read More Consultation Opens for Standardizing Definitions and Standard Cover for Insurance

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Original media release from the Attorney-General’s media centre (27/02/2024). The Australian Government has commenced an independent review of Australia’s Credit Reporting Framework. Australia’s credit reporting system plays an important role in assessing eligibility and suitability for credit and in reducing the risk of financial harm to consumers, as well as protecting the privacy of individuals…

Read More Independent Review of Australia’s Credit Reporting Framework Commences

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The Federal Department of Health and Aged Care has engaged a project team led by the University of Wollongong to deliver a feasibility study on options to limit unhealthy food marketing to children. Recommendations will be provided to Government for consideration by mid-2024.

Information about the project and the consultation paper are available here and the closing date for comments is 15 March.

Read More Federal Government Opens Consultation on Feasibility Study for Limiting Unhealthy Food Marketing to Children

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Funded in the 2023 Budget, the Government’s Registry works by creating a controlled list of numbers of registered brand names, and preventing text messages from being sent using registered brand names unless the originating number matches the approved phone number on the Registry.
Feedback from consumers, industry, charities and government services will inform Government decision-making about next steps, including funding models for the finalised scheme.

Read More Stopping SMS Scammers Posing as Legitimate Institutions

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In February 2023, health ministers announced they would take action to ensure the management of professional misconduct by health practitioners relating to sexual misconduct and sexual boundary violations would better meet community expectations.

Health ministers are seeking feedback to determine if amendments to the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law are needed to provide greater transparency to the public about health practitioners’ regulatory history when they have engaged in sexual misconduct or sexual boundary violations.

Read More Proposed Health Practitioner Regulation National Law Reforms

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New mandatory industry codes are being developed by the Australian Government to outline the responsibilities of the private sector in relation to scam activity, with a focus on banks, digital communications platforms, and telecommunications providers. A short survey is also available for members of the public who wish to participate in the consultation process and provide information about their experience with scams, rather than provide a written submission.

You can read the Consultation Paper and how to make submissions here. Submissions are due by 29 January 2024.

Read More Have Your Say on the Scams Mandatory Industry Code Survey