Tips for Winter Product Safety

Winter is here and Consumers’ Federation of Australia representatives have contributed to standards that ensure the safety of products we use in winter. The standards are developed via the Standards Australia Technical Committee process.

ACCC Top tips for winter product safety are:

  1. Never use boiling water to fill your hot water bottle and replace it as soon as it starts to look cracked or worn.
  2. Only buy wheat bags or other heat packs that come with clear heating instructions, and never overheat your bag as this could cause the bag to ignite and start a fire. CFA representative John Furbank is a member of the technical committee CS-113 which developed AS/NZS 5116:2016 Microwavable heat packs – Wheat bags and other organic contents. 
  3. Carefully check that your electric blankets, hot water bottles and other winter items are in good condition and have not been recalled – and if the goods have been recalled return them to the store for refund or remedy.
  4. Children’s clothing items with a ‘low fire danger’ label are still flammable so always keep children away from open heat sources. CFA Representative Gail Greatorex is a member of the technical committee CS-086 that revised AS/NZS 1249:2014 Children’s nightwear and limited daywear having reduced fire hazard.

Also make sure you are aware of recalls of products you might be using this winter. Read more here.

If you are interested in making the consumer voice heard as a volunteer CFA Standards Representative, part of the CFA Standards Project – please contact the Standards Coordinator