Productivity Commission

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Earlier in 2016, the Productivity Commission announced its study on consumer law enforcement and administration. The study seeks to focus on the efficacy of the single law, multiple regulator model which provides the foundation for Australian Consumer Law. The Productivity Commission was seeking commentary and submissions on the existing model to publish within their Issues…

Read More CFA publishes submission to the Productivity Commission

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  The Productivity Commission has recently launched a study into the enforcement and administration arrangements underpinning the Australian Consumer Law. The study will focus on the effectiveness of the ‘single-law, multiple regulator’ model – a model where the national consumer law is jointly enforced and administered by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) and…

Read More Productivity Commission launches ACL review: issues paper released

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The Productivity Commission has published a press release, calling on people to provide valuable input into the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation. The Commission seeks to change and meet the evolving demands for the future direction of telecommunications within the Australian market.   Commissioner Paul Lindwall states that ‘currently we have in place a Universal Service…

Read More The changing telecommunications market: have your say

The Productivity Commission has released the final report on its inquiry into Australia’s urban water sector, proposing profound changes to the way water services are provided in cities and regional towns across Australia. Along the way it restated its support for national funding of a peak consumer advocacy organisation.

Read More Profound changes to urban water services recommended