The Productivity Commission has published a press release, calling on people to provide valuable input into the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation.
The Commission seeks to change and meet the evolving demands for the future direction of telecommunications within the Australian market.
Commissioner Paul Lindwall states that ‘currently we have in place a Universal Service Obligation that means the government guarantees a minimum level of fixed line voice telephone services and pay phones across Australia’.
However, the current inquiry would identify whether the market requires further intervention at a government level to bolster universal access to telecommunication services. This parallels the proliferation of technological and policy developments made within the public sector, most significantly the evolution of smartphones and the release of the National Broadband Network.
The Productivity Commission has released an issues paper, guiding interested parties to provide submissions or provide comments towards the inquiry. Whilst it is anticipated that large telecommunication providers will be providing their input, the Commission is equally interested in input from local governments and individuals who have opinions or thoughts on the existing Universal Service Obligation and its possible changes.
The last date for submissions is on the 21st of July.
Further information on the submission process is available on the Productivity Commission website here.
Original information taken from the Productivity Commission Press Release on the 7th of June 2016 at