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Australia’s aviation industry is set to receive long term policy directions for growth and innovation, driven by the Albanese Government’s Aviation White Paper. A safe, efficient, sustainable and competitive aviation sector is critical to the economy and the standard of living of all Australians. Aviation connects Australians with the world and communities to each other.…

Read More Have your say on Australia’s aviation future

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The Federal government is consulting on the price parity clauses that on line travel agents/platforms may have in their agreements with accommodation and tourism providers. These clauses may: meant that a provider listed on the platform cannot offer their services to customers through other distribution channels at prices that are lower than those on the…

Read More Consultation on use of price parity clauses in the accommodation and tourism industry

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The Medical Board of Australia (the Board) is now consulting on three documents relating to regulation of medical practitioners who provide cosmetic surgery. The documents are in response to recommendations in the Independent review of the regulation of medical practitioners who perform cosmetic surgery. Draft Registration standard: Endorsement of registration for cosmetic surgery for registered…

Read More Public consultation – Regulation of medical practitioners who provide cosmetic medical and surgical procedures