Consumers should have confidence they are getting what they pay for when they buy free-range eggs.
That’s why CHOICE is calling on the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission to reject the Australian Egg Corporation’s proposed free-range standard that would allow stocking densities 13 times greater than the current standard.
Sign CHOICE’s open letter asking the ACCC to reject the Australian Egg Corporation’s Certification Trade Mark Application.
You can also read CHOICE’s article about consumer expectations of free range labelling.
CHOICE’s open letter to the General Manager of the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission’s Adjudication Branch
Dear General Manager,
Re: Australian Egg Corporation Limited Certification Trade Mark Application No. 1390450
As a consumer, I want a national free-range standard based on independent, robust evidence, developed in consultation with consumer groups and animal welfare experts.
Currently, the maximum outdoor stocking density for free range eggs is set at 1,500 birds per hectare under the Model Code of Practice for the Welfare of Animals – Domestic Poultry.
This is reflected in a range of certification standards already in the market which set limits at or below 1,500 birds per hectare.
However, the Australian Egg Corporation Limited (AECL) seeks to set a limit 13 times greater than these accepted levels through Certification Trade Mark Application No. 1390450.
I believe the Egg Corporation’s proposed Certification Trade Mark would create public detriment by setting a free range standard that is inconsistent with the reasonable expectations of consumers and may mislead them.
I support CHOICE’s submission which asks the ACCC to reject the Egg Corporation’s proposed stocking density standards.
Yours sincerely, [/box]
Click here to go to CHOICE’s site to sign your support for this letter to the ACCC.