Consumers’ Federation of Australia Farewells a Consumer Movement Icon

Following the announcement of Gerard Brody’s appointment as the new incoming Chair of Essential Services Commission in Victoria, it is with mixed emotions that the CFA Executive Team announce he will be stepping down as Chair of Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) as of 15 August 2024.

Serving as Chair for over 7 years, Gerard Brody has been instrumental in ensuring the sustainability and value of CFA to both its organisational and individual members.

Reflecting on Gerard Brody’s term as CFA Chair

A peak-body run mostly by volunteers, Gerard has inspired and mentored many consumer advocates to contribute to CFA initiatives. He has also successfully encouraged many organisations across Australia to support the work of CFA so initiatives such as the CFA mentoring program, annual advocacy showcase, and CFA networks and events can be implemented to their full potential.

The CFA community is deeply grateful for Gerard’s dedication and his impact across the consumer movement and the CFA Executive Team wish Gerard all the best with his new role.

It has been an absolute pleasure and a privilege to have been a member of CFA’s Executive Team with Gerard Brody and wonderful to see how his work has resulted in an organisation that has achieved and is achieving so much for the Australian consumer movement”, said longstanding CFA Executive Ian Jarratt.

Consumer Policy Research Centre’s CEO Erin Turner acknowledged Gerard Brody’s extensive time and investment in supporting and growing other advocates and sharing his big ideas on making markets fairer with this deep knowledge of law and policy.

He leaves behind a stronger Consumers’ Federation and a stronger sector with more diverse voices able to represent the interests of people in complex debates about regulation and markets”, said Ms Turner.

A new Chair for a new era of CFA

The CFA Executive Team is pleased to announce Dr Gareth Downing as the new CFA Chair effective 15 August. Gareth is currently also the Deputy CEO of the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN).  Gareth’s career has focused on policy and regulation, working across a number of regulated sectors including telecommunications, energy and water.

Gareth joined as an Executive Member of CFA in December 2023. The CFA Executive Team look forward to working with him as the team continues to build on CFA’s purpose to amplify member voices, build member capability, support consumer representation and facilitate collaboration across the consumer sector.

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