CFA news

Consumers' Federation of Australia Developing and promoting the consumer interest

The Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) urgently calls on the Australian government to fund its work as the peak body for consumers in the forthcoming budget.   For over 50 years, Consumers’ Federation of Australia has been a vital safeguard against corporate misconduct, ensuring fair treatment and protections for consumers.   The peak body for consumer organisations,…

Read More Consumers’ Federation of Australia on life-support, urges government action to protect consumers during cost-of-living crisis

Consumer Protection

Commonwealth, State, Territory and New Zealand Consumer Affairs Ministers met on Tuesday 10 December 2024 to renew their commitment to strengthen consumer protections across the country. Ministers attending the meeting, chaired by Commonwealth Assistant Treasurer Stephen Jones, acknowledged the substantial progress on key reforms to the Australian Consumer Law over the past year, including work to strengthen…

Read More Consumer Affairs Ministers Set 2025 Agenda, Consumer Protection to remain at the forefront

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The notification for the Consumers’ Federation of Australia’s 2024 Annual General Meeting has been sent out and we’re busy preparing everything for the AGM. The AGM is scheduled for Thursday 28th November at 12:00opm-1:00pm AEDT, we look forward to seeing you there! As part of the preparations, we would like to remind all of our…

Read More Consumers’ Federation of Australia: Annual General Meeting

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Following the announcement of Gerard Brody’s appointment as the new incoming Chair of Essential Services Commission in Victoria, it is with mixed emotions that the CFA Executive Team announce he will be stepping down as Chair of Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) as of 15 August 2024. Serving as Chair for over 7 years, Gerard…

Read More Consumers’ Federation of Australia Farewells a Consumer Movement Icon

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Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) and CHOICE has made a submission to the Productivity Commission about future National Competition Policy reforms. The submission stresses the need to analyse potential policy reforms with a focus on their effects on consumers and households, urging the Commission to prioritise understanding how different groups might be affected. The submission’s…

Read More Productivity Commission National Competition Policy Reforms Submission

Logos for Consumers' Federation of Australia, Queensland Consumers Association, Consumers SA, Financial Counselling Australia, Indigenous Consumer Assistance Network, CHOICE, Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association

Last week the Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) along with member organisations CHOICE, Queensland Consumers Association (QCA), Financial Counselling Australia (FCA), Consumers SA (South Australia), the Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association (CPSA) and the Indigenous Consumers Assistance Network submitted our joint group submission to the 2024-25 ACCC Supermarket Inquiry. Generally, the submission calls for the…

Read More Joint Submission to the ACCC Supermarket Inquiry

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The Consumers Federation of Australia (CFA) and CHOICE have provided a submission to the newly newly established Competition Taskforce on merger approvals.  Australia has many markets that are highly concentrated; supermarkets, airlines, banking, telecommunications, energy and insurance are all markets where a few dominant companies provide most Australians with essential products and services. Increasingly, we…

Read More CFA Supports Reforms to Merger Approvals

Consumers International Global Congress; Nairobi, Kenya 06-08 December 2023; Building a resilient future for consumers; supporting partners COMESA Competition Commission and Competition Authority of Kenya

Today the Congress was abuzz with passionate consumer advocates, experts and regulators taking a deep dive into everything from scams and AI to greenwashing and digital wallets. But at the heart of so many discussions today was the value of and the critical need to collaborate. It was recognised that collaboration both within and across borders is needed to help raise the voices on key issues impacting consumers and to learn from one another. Below are some of the highlights from Day 2!

Read More C is for Collaboration – Day 2 of Consumers International Global Congress