Cristina Cifuentes and Sarah Court have also been reappointed as Commissioners of the ACCC for a further five years.
Ms Cifuentes has been an ACCC Commissioner since 2013. Ms Court was first appointed in 2008 and reappointed in 2013.
“Mick’s vast experience working with small businesses in the agriculture sector will greatly assist him in his new role working with small business right across the economy. I look forward to working closely with Mick as Deputy Chair,” ACCC Chairman Rod Sims said.
“Cristina has an extraordinary breadth of regulatory experience and her reappointment highlights that she’s one of Australia’s leading infrastructure regulators. Cristina brings a deep knowledge, in particular, across all forms of infrastructure, banking and energy to the commission.”
“Sarah’s reappointment is a testament to her dedication and effectiveness throughout the past ten years at the ACCC, and to her wise counsel on so many issues. Sarah strategically and ably leads our enforcement activities, and plays key roles in many other areas such as mergers, financial services and agriculture.”
“I am delighted to continue working with such capable and experienced colleagues,” Mr Sims said.
These announcements come as the ACCC prepares to farewell Deputy Chair Dr Michael Schaper on May 30.
“Michael Schaper has made an outstanding contribution to the ACCC as Deputy Chair over the past decade. Michael has been an invaluable advocate for small businesses and franchises throughout his service, and his passion, tenacity and advocacy will be greatly missed,” Mr Sims said.
“Michael has been an essential and effective conduit between the ACCC and a large number of business organisations across Australia.”
Deputy Chair Keogh will commence his term on 30 May 2018, becoming full-time, and will work alongside Deputy Chair Delia Rickard. Commissioners Cifuentes and Court and will commence their terms on 30 May 2018 and 1 May 2018 and respectively.
Further information about the commissioners, including images for download, is available at: ACCC Chair & Commissioners.