Bar and Accounting Professional Standards Schemes Open for Comment and Submissions


Public comment and submission is now open for the Victorian Bar, Western Australian Bar, and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand’s proposed Professional Standards Schemes. A professional standards scheme is a legal instrument that limits the occupational liability or damages that can be awarded against a member of the association to whom a scheme applies. In return, a scheme commits the occupational association to improve the professional standards of its members, to protect consumers. Schemes are approved by the Professional Standards Council of the relevant state or territory and may have application across Australia by way of mutual recognition provisions.
If approved, the three proposed Schemes will be in place for fiveĀ (5) years. Given the consumer-focused nature of our organisation and members, as well as the number of financial counselling and community legal centres amongst Consumers’ Federation of Australia’s membership, we encourage everyone to participate in the online survey and consider making a submission or joint submission.

More information about all three Standards is available here, including information and links to and about surveys and submissions. The closing dates for comment and submission for each Scheme are below.

  • 5 February 2025 for the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand Professional Standards Scheme
  • 22 January 2025 for the Victorian Bar Professional Standards Scheme
  • 22 January 2025 for the Western Australian Bar Association Professional Standards Scheme.