Public consultation commences on Australia’s measurement laws

The following is a media release from Senator the Hon Zed Seselja, Assistant Minister for Science, Jobs and Innovation.

Australians are being asked for their views on how to modernise the national measurement system as part of the Australian Government’s measurement law review.

The Australian Government has marked World Metrology Day with the release of a discussion paper seeking views on how to modernise the national measurement system.

The Scope of Australia’s Measurement Law discussion paper represents the first of a series of public consultations to be undertaken as part of the Measurement Law Review announced by the Australian Government in November 2017.

Senator the Hon. Zed Seselja, Assistant Minister for Science, Jobs and Innovation, said every Australian had an interest in an effective and efficient measurement system.

“Australia’s economic and social wellbeing depends on precision and confidence in measurement, whether you are exporting grain, monitoring electricity use or buying groceries,” Senator Seselja said.

Australia’s measurement law system maintains and enforces accuracy in measurement for a range of trade and non-trade purposes, from petrol bowsers to blood pressure monitors.

Senator Seselja noted the Government was dedicated to ensuring Australia had a forward-looking system capable of capitalising on innovative measurement practice.

“Through this discussion paper we are asking Australians how we might make this system more current and future-proof,” he said.

“It is clear that Australia’s measurement laws can be better designed and more appropriate for our modern economy.”

Future discussion papers scheduled for release throughout 2018 will address traceability, measurement instruments, transactions based on measurement, third-party arrangements, and compliance arrangements.

Visit to access the discussion paper and find out more.

Media contact: Assistant Minister Seselja’s office 02 6277 3187