The Broadcasting Services (Online Content Service Provider Rules) 2018 prohibit gambling advertising during live sport that is streamed online between 5.00 am and 8.30 pm. At all other times, gambling advertising is also restricted.
The ACMA developed the rules in line with the Australian Government’s policy of stronger restrictions on gambling advertising during live sport. Associated enabling legislation came into effect on 12 April 2018.
‘This is the first time that online services streaming live sport have been required to comply with gambling advertising restrictions,’ said ACMA Chair, Nerida O’Loughlin.
‘This brings online services in line with television and radio broadcasting services. It creates a safe zone for children and families to watch live sport across a variety of platforms.’
In developing the new regulatory safeguards, the ACMA conducted two rounds ofconsultation. The ACMA made changes to previous draft rules based on feedback and comments from stakeholders.
The new rules will come into effect on 28 September 2018. The ACMA will closely monitor operation of the new rules and, after 12 months, will consider whether to conduct a formal review of their effectiveness.
Find out more about the new rules.
For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact:Emma Rossi (02) 9334 7719, 0434 652 063 or