Living in bushfire pone areas has its risks and anyone planning to build or re-build following the recent devastating bushfires should consult the Australian Standard that covers the bushfire safety requirements of building in the area and provides the methodology for calculating your bushfire attack level.
The Australian Standard AS 3959:2018 Construction in bushfire prone areas is a detailed document not just for builders but for anyone who lives in a bushfire prone area; including people who are building a new home or who have an existing home.
AS 3959:2018 specifies requirements for the construction of buildings in order to improve their resistance to bushfire attack from burning embers, radiant heat, flame contact and combinations of the three attack forms. Standards Australia alongside the Commonwealth Government are offering this standard to assist Australian communities.
How to get your free copy
The standard is now available at no cost through Standards Australia distributors Intertek Inform (formerly SAI Global) and Techstreet until June 2021. Please note, to access the standard at no cost you must select the PDF option.
Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) participated in the development of this standard by supporting a CFA consumer representative to participate on the responsible Standards Australia Technical Committee. Find out more about the CFA Standards Project and register you interest in representing consumers on a technical committee here.