World first standard for Smart Grids

image003A groundbreaking standard AS 5711 Smart Grids Vocabulary has been published by Standards Australia which establishes common terminology for use by operators, consumers and government in the electricity supply and electrical equipment sectors involved in smart grids in Australia.

The Standards Australia Technical Committee EL-062 Smart grids, which developed the new standard, has representatives from across the electricity sector and those which interact with it; including the CFA representative Janine Rayner.

Smart Grids have the capacity to make energy networks operate more efficiently by integrating users more effectively; allowing for greater reliability of power and reduced costs to produce, deliver and consume electricity.

The standard is the first of five standards identified in the 2012 Standards Australia Smart Grids Roadmap commissioned by the former Federal Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism (now Industry). The remaining four important standards include data security protocols; communication protocols; electromagnetic capability; and interconnection protocols.

The CFA provides volunteer representative on Standards Australia Technical Committees as part of the CFA Standards Project; if you are interested in finding our more about the Project and/or becoming a volunteer CFA Standards Representative please contact the Standards Coordinator at