Working from home has specific cyber security risks, including targeted cybercrime. The Australian Cyber Security Centre (ACSC) has tips when working from home. Consumer groups are pushing for stronger cybersecurity responses from governments, internet providers and manufacturers, with clear and actionable guidance for consumers.
Standards Australia has joined with AustCyber, industry leaders and the NSW Government to support Australia becoming a more resiliant nation in terms of cybersecurity – read more here.
Figures from Tech Accord show that 76% of consumers feel they could easily become a victim of smart home cybercrime and 80% feel smart home manufacturers are not doing enough to ensure consumer online security safety. View more facts and figures, including information about how to keep your devices secure, on Cybersecurity Tech Accord.
Some common types of cybercrime include cyber abuse, online image abuse, online shopping fraud, romance fraud, identity theft, email compromise, internet fraud, ransomware and malware. For more information on these common types of cybercrime and to report a cybercrime, see Are you a victim of cybercrime?
Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) advocates in the interests of Australian consumers and supports CFA consumer representatives to participate on a number of security related Standards Australia Technical Committees such as Internet of things (IoT), Information security techniques and ICT governance and management.
Find out more about the CFA Standards Project and how you can represent consumers in this important work contact