Why an electric vehicle?

An electric car being charged

Electric vehicles (that use minimal to no fuel) are becoming more popular and Australian consumers need to feel confident electric transportation will meet the challenges facing the Australian landscape, such as the size of our county or capability of our electricity grid. 

According to the Australian Electric Vehicle Market Study Report Electric Vehicles (EVs) are expected to match petrol vehicles on both upfront price and range by the mid-2020s. Once EVs reach this price parity with internal combustion engine vehicles, sales of EVs are expected to rapidly increase, read more here.

Are electric vehicles really greener that other vehicles and why is electric vehicle uptake in Australia currently lower than in other developed countries? — Listen to the Boiling Point podcast Interview with Gail Broadbent on Electric Vehicles. Gail is a PhD student at UNSW and a CFA Standards Representative on the CFA Standards Project .

Consumers’ Federation of Australia has two representatives participating on the Standards Australia Technical Committee EM-001 Electric vehicle operation. The committee has Australian representation on the international standards committee IEC TC 69, ensuring Australian conditions are considered in the development of standards on electrical transportation, read more here.

Find out how you can represent consumers on standards committee, contact standards@consumeraction.org.au