Watch CFA webinar: Is Insurance an Essential Service? Promoting affordability & accessibility for all

With extreme weather continuing to affect large parts of Australia, the importance of insurance is larger than ever. Following from CFA’s webinar on the UK’s System for Flood Insurance, this webinar will examine measures to improve affordability and access of general insurance, including home & contents insurance. It was hosted by CFA on the 7th of December 2022.

Below, watch presentations by:

  • Nick O’Kane, Executive Director, Financial Services Competition Team, Australian Competition & Consumer Commission.
  • Toby Freeman, Stretton Health Equity, University of Adelaide, author of the SACOSS report Protecting the Basics

The webinar was moderated by Julia Davis, Senior Policy and Communications Officer at Financial Rights Legal Centre, a CFA-member which delivers the Insurance Law Service.

Gerard Brody, Chair of CFA, and (at the time) CEO of Consumer Action Law Centre opened and closed the event.

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