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CHOICE is launching to help people tap into hundreds of dollars in electricity savings. “We’ve decided to intervene in the electricity market and cut out the commercial switching sites which are paid by energy companies to sell their products,” says CHOICE Head of Media Tom Godfrey. “Unfortunately, the electricity market has been stitched up by cosy…

Read More Can I save on energy?

Ruby Hutchison Ruby Hutchison

The following is an edited extract of the 2018 Ruby Hutchison Memorial Lecture, presented by Fiona Guthrie AM, Chief Executive Officer of Financial Counselling Australia. The annual lecture is a CHOICE and ACCC co-project. Queensland’s Courier Mail recently ran a front-page story about payday loans. It told the story of Trina Begg, a single mother of…

Read More Fiona Guthrie AM presents 2018 Ruby Hutchison Memorial Lecture

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Consumer Action Law Centre, CHOICE and NSW Legal Aid today published submissions in response to the first round of hearings before the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Finance Sector on consumer lending and add-on insurance. Consumer Action Law Centre (Consumer Action) argues in its submission that directors of the big banks may…

Read More Consumer Groups call for tougher penalties, ban on broker commissions in submissions to Royal Commission

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Consumer group CHOICE says it’s time for real world emissions testing to ensure consumers aren’t misled by car makers CHOICE is renewing its call for real world testing of vehicle fuel efficiency following new research that found Volkswagen’s recalled and “fixed” cars are using more fuel and emitting more noxious emissions than allowed under Australian…

Read More Volkswagen emissions con continues

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On 15th February, a package of reforms to improve credit card lending and marketing practices passed Federal Parliament. Consumer advocacy groups Consumer Action Law Centre and CHOICE are relieved to see the important reforms finally enacted after a long consultation process. The reforms will: require affordability assessments to be based on a person’s ability to…

Read More Credit card reforms long overdue

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In its submission to the Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry, CHOICE has called on the Commission to use its special powers to compel banks, insurers and lenders to provide evidence behind high fees and harmful practices. “CHOICE is calling for the Royal Commission to use its powers to…

Read More Call for banks to provide reasons behind harmful practices

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Republished from The Age, 19 January 2018 A five-year-old boy had his finger amputated after it was trapped in a trampoline, a 10-year-old girl hurt her back on a rail while playing a jumping game called “crack the egg”, and a three-year-old boy fell to the ground and fractured his leg. Those are among the…

Read More Consumer group Choice calls for mandatory safety standards for trampolines

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Consumer group CHOICE is calling for improved labelling on alcoholic drinks to help people compare their beverage options. “For many people Christmas is a time to enjoy a festive drink but if they want to choose lower kilojoule tipples, right now they can’t easily compare their options” says CHOICE spokesperson, Katinka Day. “While consumers can…

Read More CHOICE calls for improved labelling on alcoholic drinks