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The Consumer Policy Research Centre is hosting a webinar, Untapped power of unpublished data, to “unveil the findings of our latest research into the publication practices of consumer complaints data among Australian regulators”. The webinar is scheduled for September 24 from 4:00pm to 5:00pm AEST and you can register for the event here. Erin Turner,…

Read More CPRC Webinar: Untapped Power of Unpublished Data

An open door with keys hanging in the lock An open door with keys hanging in the lock

Consumer Policy Research Centre CEO Erin Turner will be facilitating the ‘Is it liveable?’ webinar with Tenants Victoria CEO Jennifer Beveridge on Wednesday February 7th at 4:00pm-4:30pm AEDT (GMT+11) to discuss the recent joint research project and report on the safety, cleanliness and liveability of rental properties. The webinar will feature discussion and analysis of…

Read More “Is it liveable?” CPRC and Tenants Victoria Rental Property Webinar

Consumer Policy Research Centre consumer action law centre

Original text from here. Faulty cars are far too common and disrupt too many lives. Join us at the launch of a major report by the Consumer Policy Research Centre, ‘Detours and Roadblocks’, that examines the experience of consumers with faulty cars in Victoria. The report, commissioned by Consumer Action Law Centre, puts forward a…

Read More Changing Gears: Towards a car market people can trust (Webinar)

"The sky didn't fall in" Learning from a Churchill Fellowship studying gambling regulation (harm prevention) in Norway, Sweden, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Ireland and the United Kingdom. 2022 Briefing by Lauren Levin, Financial Counselling Australia

As part of Churchill Fellowship Award, Lauren spent eight weeks across eight countries in Europe and UK, meeting with gambling regulators, banks, Financial Ombudsman Services, academics, others in the gambling harm prevention ecosystem and attended an international gambling industry convention to gain insight into what the gambling industry is doing and anticipating.  In this special webinar,…

Read More Join CPRC and CFA for a Briefing by Lauren Levin on the EU and UK Approach to Gambling Harm Prevention 

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With extreme weather continuing to affect large parts of Australia, the importance of insurance is larger than ever. Following from CFA’s webinar on the UK’s System for Flood Insurance, this webinar will examine measures to improve affordability and access of general insurance, including home & contents insurance. It was hosted by CFA on the 7th…

Read More Watch CFA webinar: Is Insurance an Essential Service? Promoting affordability & accessibility for all

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This webinar is designed for CFA members, consumer advocates and others to learn from the experience in the UK with flood insurance and relief. Come along and hear from guest speakers: Andy Bord, CEO of FloodRe – a re-insurance Scheme that makes flood cover more widely available and affordable as part of home insurance. Paul Cobbing, former…

Read More Webinar: Flood Insurance and Relief – the UK experience

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The World Trade Organisation has confirmed that a specific article on consumer protection is to be included in a future international trade agreement on e-commerce. The article would require WTO member countries to adopt or maintain measures that proscribe misleading, fraudulent and deceptive commercial activities that cause harm, or potential harm, to consumers engaged in electronic commerce.…

Read More Consumer protection included in future international trade deal on e-commerce

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Involved in any building works? The National Construction Code (NCC) sets out the minimum requirements and provides uniform technical standards for design and construction of new building work (including in existing buildings), plumbing and drainage across all Australian States and Territories. A FREE copy of the NCC is available here. NCC Volume 2 contains the requirements for residential and non-habitable…

Read More Involved in building works – What does the National Construction Code mean?

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UNCTAD held its first UNCTAD / ISO COPOLCO/ Consumers International joint webinar on Using standards as a tool for consumer protection. This webinar brought together standards experts and consumer agencies’ representatives to inform both communities about the work of COPOLCO and the standards it promotes – read the notes on the webinar here. Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) has two representatives on the Standards…

Read More Using standards as a tool for consumer protection