Public services

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Changes to Triple Zero rules announced by Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland today are an important step to enhance public safety. ACCAN – Australia’s peak body for communications consumers – welcomes today’s announcement by the Minister that several new requirements will apply to mobile carriers in relation to the Triple Zero service. The range of…

Read More New Rules for Triple Zero Services a Win for Public Safety

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The USO is a longstanding telecommunications safeguard that ensures all Australians can access fixed phone services and payphones, regardless of where they live. The USO is currently delivered by Telstra, and relies on ageing copper wire that is increasingly expensive to maintain.
The consultation process will explore options to deliver better communications outcomes – particularly for rural and regional, and First Nations communities who currently rely on fixed phone services to stay connected.

Read More Consultation Launches for Modern Universal Service Obligation

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People with a disability and older persons are some of the most vulnerable in Australia.  They need to have their voice heard on issues that are important to them to protect and promote their rights. For this reason, the requirements established by a new Draft Standard on Ageing and Disability is to provide uniform minimum…

Read More Have Your Say: New Advocacy in Ageing and Disability Standard Opens for Public Consultation


Digital inclusion is a deeply complex issue, with access, affordability and digital ability all playing a role in the extent to which First Nations people and communities are digitally included.
Digital inclusion enables a range of benefits, including supporting economic participation, access to government services, social connectedness, and enjoyment of entertainment and leisure activities.

Read More Initial Report and Recommendations from the First Nations Digital Inclusion Published

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The Queensland Consumers Association says householders experiencing difficulty paying high power bills caused by keeping cool during the sweltering summer should contact their power retailer as soon as possible. Association spokesperson, Ian Jarratt, says many power bills received, or those yet to arrive, will be well above normal due to the use of power guzzling…

Read More Consumers unable to pay high power bills advised to contact their retailer early

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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN),  South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) and Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) have collaborated in a effort to push the Federal Government to help low-income consumers have better access to telecommunication services, an ACCAN media release reports. New data has revealed that people who are on a minimal income…

Read More ACCAN media release: low-income earners face telecommunication exclusion