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Empowering older people and people with disability to participate effectively in decisions affecting the quality of their lives is a keystone of a civil society. The recent Royal Commissions on ageing and disability highlighted the importance of government-funded advocacy services in the empowerment of older people and people with disability when they need to access government-funded…

Read More Improving Advocacy by Aged Care and Disability Services – New Standard Published

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Original media release by and for COTA (12/03/2024). Federal Goverment must deliver robust Aged Care Act without delay. Rights of older people have been ignored for too long The Federal Government must finally deliver a new Aged Care Act that protects and enforces the rights of older people, allows visitors in aged care at all…

Read More Advocacy Groups Urge Action for a Robust Aged Care Act

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People with a disability and older persons are some of the most vulnerable in Australia.  They need to have their voice heard on issues that are important to them to protect and promote their rights. For this reason, the requirements established by a new Draft Standard on Ageing and Disability is to provide uniform minimum…

Read More Have Your Say: New Advocacy in Ageing and Disability Standard Opens for Public Consultation