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The Australian Government is seeking to align regulation across the aged care, disability support and veterans’ care sector. The 2021-22 Budget encompasses a range of measures including short to long term program reforms. To progress this work, the Cross Agency Taskforce on Regulatory Alignment is now inviting input from a range of stakeholders, including consumers,…

Read More Aligning regulation across aged care, disability support & veteran’s care

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The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) should immediately investigate how life insurers treat people with past or current mental health conditions, in response to continuing widespread discrimination by life insurers. This is a media release from the Public Interest Advocacy Centre. It was originally published on 8th November, 2021. This is a key recommendation of Mental Health Discrimination…

Read More Mental health discrimination by insurers: new report calls for urgent ASIC investigation

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Each year, over 1,000 Australians are admitted to hospital due to incidents involving mobility scooters. Almost all these injuries occur to device users, but there are also concerns about wider community safety due to the increasing use of these devices. The updated ‘Guide to choosing and using mobility scooters and powered wheelchairs’ helps consumers: Decide whether a…

Read More New guide to choosing and using mobility scooters & powered wheelchairs

An animation of a hand holding a megaphone An animation of a hand holding a megaphone

CFA is represented on the NDIS industry reference group and has made a submission to a consultation paper on support coordination. Support coordination is a type of funded intermediary that can assist NDIS participants access other services funded by the NDIS. This submission argues: There needs to be a stronger conceptual foundation for the role…

Read More CFA makes a submission to NDIS consultation on support coordination

A purple block with white writing inside that says: COronavirus (COVID-19) information from the NDIS quality and safeguards commission A purple block with white writing inside that says: COronavirus (COVID-19) information from the NDIS quality and safeguards commission

The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has a dedicated webpage for NDIS participants about COVID-19. The webpage includes information about: The impact of COVID-19 on NDIS plans Which support services and therapies will continue during the close of non-essential services Using webchat to talk with NDIA staff Who to contact if your NDIS contact is unavailable View…

Read More Information for NDIS participants on the impact of COVID-19 on NDIS services

A purple block with white writing inside that says: COronavirus (COVID-19) information from the NDIS quality and safeguards commission A purple block with white writing inside that says: COronavirus (COVID-19) information from the NDIS quality and safeguards commission

The NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission has produced a COVID-19 information page that contains links to updates, training, alerts and resources for NDIS participants and providers. The information is to inform and support NDIS providers to continue to deliver quality and safe supports and services to NDIS participants. The page contains the following information: Updates…

Read More NDIS Commission releases coronavirus (COVID-19) information for participants and providers

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The bulletin looks at some of the accessibility challenges that Victorians face on public transport, and the ways in which we work to help make public transport better for everyone.  The Accessibility Bulletin is the first in a series of three annual bulletins to be released this year. Later in 2019 we will publish bulletins…

Read More Public Transport Ombudsman releases 2019 Accessibility Bulletin

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The Australian Communications Media Authority (ACMA) has formally warned Telstra, Optus and Vodafone for failing to provide information about products and services that may suit the needs of consumers with a disability. Telcos are required to provide this information under telecommunications consumer protection rules.  ‘Telecommunications services play a vital role in the lives of all…

Read More Telcos warned about disability information failures