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The Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA) received a record number of complaints in 2023-24 after disputes to the ombudsman service increased 9 per cent to more than 105,000 for the year. Complaints about scams, online and personal transaction accounts, credit cards, and personal loans all saw significant increases. Consumer Action Law Centre CEO Stephanie Tonkin…

Read More Advocates Continue Call for Reimbursement Policy as Scam Complaints to AFCA go ‘off the charts’

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The National Anti-Scam Centre will coordinate a jobs and employment scam fusion cell to disrupt criminal groups advertising or offering jobs which do not exist. Job and employment scams are targeted to steal money and personal information. Scammers often impersonate legitimate businesses or well-known recruitment agencies. They use a variety of methods to advertise non-existent…

Read More Job and Employment Scams a New Focus of the National Anti-Scam Centre

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Today the Albanese Government will join a cutting?edge intel exchange between Australian banks, telecommunications companies, digital platforms, and the Australian Financial Crimes Exchange (AFCX). The National Anti Scam Centre will join the AFCX intel loop, which enables near real time data sharing between participants about the latest tactics and tools used by scammers. The partnership…

Read More Government Joins Cutting Edge Anti-Scam Intel Exchange

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The National Anti-Scam Centre’s collaborative efforts across government, law enforcement, consumer organisations and industry have boosted the community’s fight against financial crime, as the latest Targeting Scams report reveals a 13.1 per cent decline in reported losses to $2.74 billion in 2023. The report compiles data reported to Scamwatch, ReportCyber, the Australian Financial Crimes Exchange (AFCX), IDCARE…

Read More Scam Losses Fall But A Long Road Ahead

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The Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) was recently contacted (below) by and about the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Law Enforcement’s new inquiry into cybercrime. As per our new Strategic Plan, CFA will not be writing up a separate submission but will instead network and assist members and other consumer advocates and organisations with their submissions.…

Read More Inquiry into the capability of law enforcement to respond to cybercrime