The Tolling Customer Ombudsman: Free, impartial dispute resolution

View of car dashboard and out of front window
View of car dashboard and out of front window

The Tolling Customer Ombudsman (TCO) is a free and independent alternative dispute resolution scheme designed broadly to assist customers and toll road users of Linkt – New South Wales, Linkt – Queensland and Linkt – Victoria tolling businesses. The overarching aim of the scheme is to resolve complaints fairly, efficiently and free of charge. Information about the particular toll roads in each state that are subject to the TCO’s jurisdiction can be found on the TCO website.

It is important to note that TCO decisions are binding on the toll operator but not the customer, who retains all legal and other rights. If the customer is dissatisfied with a TCO decision they are not bound to accept it and may pursue other avenues of complaint or dispute resolution open to them.

Customers should be aware that before the TCO can deal with your complaint, you must have:

  1. first lodged a formal complaint with the relevant internal customer resolutions group; and
  2. have either received a negative response to that complaint; or allowed the complaint to be resolved through the relevant internal customer resolutions group.

The TCO cannot assist with:

  • complaints relating to the Transport for NSW (TfNSW)/E-toll or the operation of their accounts as it is not part of the TCO scheme
  • the level of fees charged by toll operators as they are fixed in consultation with the State Government
  • Government agencies that issue Infringement Notices or Fines Victoria/SPER/Revenue NSW/agencies that collect monies owing under such notices.

The TCO scheme operates on the basis that the initial complaint is made in writing. Experience has shown this provides greater certainty in respect of the issues raised and a more timely resolution of complaints.

Complaint forms and further information on the complaint process can be accessed via the TCO website. You can contact the TCO at or on 1800 145 009.