The Body Shop removes products from sale in China

CHOICE has welcomed The Body Shop’s decision to “temporarily” remove its products from sale in China.

CHOICE Chief Executive Alan Kirkland says: “The Body Shop’s decision to enter the Chinese market in 2012 clearly put its products at risk of being tested on animals.”

Following the release of a CHOICE investigation revealing that The Body Shop had expanded into China, The Body Shop yesterday conceded that if any “potential risk” of post market testing on animals existed it would withdraw its products from sale in China.

In a further statement today, the company said: “…we have temporarily removed the products until we can clarify the situation, in all cases. The Body Shop will not sell product if it would compromise one of its core beliefs which is our opposition to animal testing.”

According to Mr Kirkland: “It was clear The Body Shop needed to act because while they continued to sell products in China they ran the risk of the Chinese authorities pulling them from the shelves and having them tested on animals.”

“It’s concerning that The Body Shop did not take every step to eliminate this risk before entering the Chinese market.”

Through its investigation, CHOICE confirmed that The Body Shop is not exempt from post market testing requirements in China. A representative of the General Administration of Customs of the People’s Republic of China, stated:

“It is inconceivable that any foreign cosmetics company can bypass Chinese regulations and sell at airports. The airports in Beijing or Shanghai are part of the Chinese territory that is subject to the same rules.”

“The Body Shop’s decision today to remove its products from sale in China will be welcome news for many consumers who value the company’s stance against animal testing,” Mr Kirkland says.