
This is a media release from the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC). It was originally published on 7th March 2023. Consumer and competition issues in essential services, environmental claims and sustainability, financial services and other critical areas will be among the ACCC’s compliance and enforcement priorities during 2023-24, ACCC Chair Gina Cass-Gottlieb announced today. Unveiling the ACCC’s annual…

Read More ACCC competition and consumer issues in essential services, sustainability among 2023-24 compliance and enforcement priorities

In light of rapid increases to the cost of living, the peak body for communications consumers has welcomed new measures announced in this week’s federal budget to improve the affordability of communications services and boost digital inclusion across the nation. This echoes calls made by the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) to establish a…

Read More Affordability and digital inclusion measures welcomed by advocates

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In its Pre-Budget Submission for the 2017-18 Budget, the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) has urged the Federal Government to allocate funding to telecommunications initiatives that will benefit consumers. ACCAN’s recommendations include ongoing funding for the Mobile Black Spot Program, ongoing funding to ensure that the Universal Service Obligation (USO) continues until new safeguards…

Read More ACCAN urges Government to allocate budget funds to mobile expansion, USO and broadband monitoring

A group of like-minded advocacy groups have come together to end the data drought by forming the Regional, Rural and Remote Communications Coalition to champion better communications services for consumers and small businesses living in rural, remote or regional areas. The Coalition includes the Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN), the National Farmers’ Federation (NFF), the…

Read More ACCAN: New Coalition formed to end the data drought

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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) and the South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) have collaborated to publish a report on telecommunications affordability. The report, titled Connectivity Costs: Telecommunications Affordability for Low-Income Australia was formed through over 500 surveys with Centrelink recipients and low-income Health Care Card Holders and multiple focus groups. The…

Read More Gap in service: ACCAN and SACOSS release report on a lack of telecommunication services to low-income consumers

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The Productivity Commission has published a press release, calling on people to provide valuable input into the Telecommunications Universal Service Obligation. The Commission seeks to change and meet the evolving demands for the future direction of telecommunications within the Australian market.   Commissioner Paul Lindwall states that ‘currently we have in place a Universal Service…

Read More The changing telecommunications market: have your say