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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN) and the South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) have collaborated to publish a report on telecommunications affordability. The report, titled Connectivity Costs: Telecommunications Affordability for Low-Income Australia was formed through over 500 surveys with Centrelink recipients and low-income Health Care Card Holders and multiple focus groups. The…

Read More Gap in service: ACCAN and SACOSS release report on a lack of telecommunication services to low-income consumers

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The Australian Communications Consumer Action Network (ACCAN),  South Australian Council of Social Service (SACOSS) and Financial Counselling Australia (FCA) have collaborated in a effort to push the Federal Government to help low-income consumers have better access to telecommunication services, an ACCAN media release reports. New data has revealed that people who are on a minimal income…

Read More ACCAN media release: low-income earners face telecommunication exclusion