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John Furbank, the Chair of the ISO/PC 294 recently attended the 3rd meeting on unit pricing. He reports to us below. The 3rd meeting of ISO PC294 Guidance on unit pricing was held at the headquarters of Shufuren (association of consumer groups) Tokyo, Japan in December 2016. Standards Australia is the Secretariat for ISO PC…

Read More John Furbank reports: 3rd meeting of ISO PC249 Guidance on unit pricing

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In June 2016 Standards Australia (SA) delegates attended the ISO international workshop Global Services ISO standards as solutions which preceded ISO’s COPOLCO Meeting.  Both events were held in Geneva. ISO has a strong consumer focus and believes that integrating the view of the consumer is important in standards development because it offers a real-life perspective,…

Read More Standards Australia delegates attend ISO international workshop

In a price-conscious world, being able to compare prices quickly and effectively is a growing consumer demand. A new standard in development on unit pricing will help. Consumers are increasingly using price as a factor when making purchase decisions1. But with an explosion in product choices – a survey of an Australian supermarket, for example, showed it…

Read More Comparing prices to get easier with new standard in development