Supporting business through improvements to mandatory standards regulation under Australia Consumer Law – Feedback invited

The Treasury has released the Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (CRIS): Supporting business through improvements to mandatory standards regulation under the Australian Consumer Law.

The CRIS considers options to improve the regulatory framework for mandatory standards under the Australian Consumer Law with a focus on minimising compliance costs for business while maintaining consumer protections. Treasury is seeking feedback on options to:

  • make it easier to recognise trusted overseas standards for consumer goods, and
  • ensure businesses can comply with the most up-to-date voluntary Australian and overseas standards referenced in Australian law.

Consultation on the CRIS will occur from Wednesday 1 December 2021 until Friday 21 January 2022. Treasury encourages any interested stakeholders to provide a submission or feedback with the objective of gathering additional evidence and data on the extent of the problem and to seek views on the benefits and costs of the proposed policy options.

Enquiries and submissions can be made to

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