Submissions by the Queensland Consumers Association and Choice on a recent Discussion Paper on the scope of Australia’s measurement laws, want the current review, and future laws, to:
- Be more driven by the needs of consumers and society in general and to not be excessively focused on measurement for economic activity and the needs of industry and the economy.
- Be comprehensive and go well beyond measurements used for trade, including those used for other purpose such as to describe products and services.
- Take greater account of new technologies and products and services and how consumers engage with them.
- Recognise the benefits from, and need for consistency of measurement requirements, including display, in addition to measurement accuracy.
- Not support moving to more principles based legislation.
Some industry submissions also opposed moving to more principles based regulation.
The Discussion Paper was the first of several on various aspects of measurement that will be released for public comment during the next few months as part of the Measurement Law Review.
The next is expected to be released soon and to include measurements used for trade.
The non-confidential written submissions on the Discussion Paper are available here.
Unfortunately, despite the importance of measurements and measurement laws for every Australian consumer and business, there were only 17 written non-confidential written submissions.
Hopefully, there will be more interest in, and written submissions on, future Discussion Papers
For more information about, or to register interest in, the Review:
Phone 1300 686 664, Email, Website
Ian Jarratt, Queensland Consumers Association
Image credit: Favorece