Should some household appliances be controlled by electricity providers?

[box border=”full”]Submissions to the proposal to mandate smart appliance interfaces has been extended to Friday 17 May 2013[/box]

Peak electricity demand is a growing problem for the electricity supply system in Australia.

A consultation regulation impact statement (RIS) has been prepared by the DCCEE-Energy Rating to examine a proposal to mandate the inclusion of ‘smart appliance’ interfaces in air conditioners, pool pumps, water heaters and electric vehicle chargers. If this proposal is implemented, it will create a direct load control (DLC) market. Under the DLC approach, consumers have a choice to allow certain household appliances to be remotely controlled by their electricity provider, which will reduce the demands placed on network capacity at peak times.

To further assist stakeholders prepare their submissions, presentations from the public consultation meetings are available on the DCCEE – Energy Rating website at

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