Seat belts for pets?

Australia has one of the highest pet ownership rates in the world, yet when it comes to road safety, there is no national standard on the design, testing (including crash testing) or manufacture of car restraints to keep our pets and vehicle occupants safe. Dogs are the most popular animal companions (40%), followed by cats (27%). According to the RSPCA, 5,000 dogs each year are either injured or killed as a result of jumping from a moving car because they were not properly secured. Similarly an unrestrained dog inside a vehicle involved in a crash or during emergency braking can cause serious injury to all occupants, including the pet.  The laws regarding restraint of dogs in or on vehicles can vary between the states/territories, read more here.

The Standards Australia Technical Committee CS-075 Seatbelts for use in motor vehicles will develop the world’s first standard on all accessories for seatbelts used in motor vehicles to support manufacturers and provide quality assurance to consumers who require additional safety features not provided by standard motor vehicle seatbelts, such as people living with disabilities, people who require modified seatbelts, pregnant women, and pets. 

Consumers’ Federation of Australia (CFA) supports a representative to participate on the Technical Committee to ensure the important consumer perspective is considered during the standards development process.  Find out more about the CFA Standards Project and how to get involved

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