SAVE THE DATE: World Consumer Rights Day 2022, Fair Digital Finance Forum, Monday 14 – Friday 18 March

Consumers International are hosting the upcoming Fair Digital Finance Forum, in celebration of World Consumer Rights Day 2022. 

This is a news item from Consumers International. It was received on 7th February, 2022.

Consumers International’s Fair Digital Finance Forum will spark the first-ever global conversation around consumer-centred solutions in digital financial services. It will bring together diverse voices of consumer advocates and key marketplace actors in digital financial services to accelerate change, addressing the following questions: 

  • How might marketplace stakeholders collaborate to innovate using a consumer protection and empowerment lens in both regulation and services? 
  • How can we ensure consumer trust in the digital economy through consumer rights by design? 

The week will kick-start with a Leadership Dialogue sharing the ‘Consumer Vision for Fair Digital Finance’ and the announcement of an innovative new global accelerator in fair digital finance on Monday 14 March. On day two we focus on Inclusivity, day three on Safety, day four on Data Protection and Privacy, and on the final day we’ll explore the intersection of Digital Finance and Sustainability before wrapping up with a view from the next generation of financial consumers. 

Read more about the Forum and World Consumer Rights Day 2022’s theme. 

More details on the Fair Digital Finance Forum programme coming soon on  

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