Saftey standards protect us from heatwave harm

image004As we prepare for further extreme heat during this Summer, we need to take extra precautions to stay safe.  Standards Australia has released Heatwave safety protection tips which relate to existing standards that protect Australians.


  • Skin protection:  The latest Australian standard AS/NZS 2604:2012 Sunscreen products requires SPF50+ protection.
  • Eye protection.  Australian Standard AS/NZS 1067:2003 Sunglasses and fashion spectacles addresses health and safety issues.
  • Swimming pool safety. Safety of fencing and gating is covered by AS 1926.2:2007 Amdt 2:2011 Swimming pool safety – Location of safety barriers for swimming pools and AS 2818:1993 Guide to swimming pool safety.

As part of the CFA Standards Project, consumer representatives have participated on the committees that have developed these standards. If you are interested in finding out more about the Project and/or becoming a volunteer CFA Standards Representative please contact the Standards Coordinator