Submissions are open for an inquiry being undertaken by the Supermarket Pricing Select Committee which was established by the Queensland Parliament on 7 March 2024. Information about the committee can be accessed here.
The committee is calling for submissions to the Inquiry into Supermarket Pricing by 10am on Tuesday, 2 April 2024. Information about how to make a submission to the inquiry and planned public proceedings is provided below.
Inquiry into Supermarket Pricing
Terms of reference
- A select committee, known as the Supermarket Pricing Select Committee (committee) be established to:
- examine the causes and effects of increased supermarket prices; and
- identify opportunities to increase transparency in the supermarket sector for consumers and producers.
In undertaking the
- the inquiry, the committee consider:
- rising grocery prices in Queensland and discrepancies between retail and wholesale and farmgate prices, including different-sized businesses;
- the variability in supermarket offerings and pricing across the state, particularly in regional Queensland and in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities;
- the long-term trends in profits accruing along the supply chain for perishable produce, with particular regard to impediments to the profitability of primary producers;
- the conduct of retailers in negotiations with Queensland producers, and the prevalence and effects of information asymmetry between these parties;
- improvements to Queensland’s policy environment to increase transparency for producers, including what data will reduce information asymmetry, and/or reduce prices for consumers; and
- any other reviews or inquiries occurring in Australia regarding this matter, with a view to complement these analyses by focusing on potential Queensland Government responses.
- The committee:
- has the power to call for persons, documents and other things;
- must present a report to the Legislative Assembly by Friday, 31 May 2024;
- ceases upon the tabling of its report to the Legislative Assembly; and
- consists of six members.
Call for submissions
The committee invites submissions addressing any aspect of the terms of reference from all interested parties. In your submission please clearly state which part/s of the inquiry terms of reference your comments relate to.
Guidelines for making a submission to a parliamentary committee are available here: Guide to making a submission.
The closing date for written submissions is 10am on Tuesday, 2 April 2024.
How to make submission
The easiest way to make a submission to the committee’s inquiry is to do it online: Click here to make a submission. You can write your submission or upload a file containing your submission using this link.
To be considered by the committee, submissions must include:
- the author’s first and last name
- if the submission is made on behalf of an organisation, the level of approval (e.g. a local branch, executive committee or national organisation), and
- at least two of the following:
- email address,
- mailing address, and
- daytime telephone number.
Please ensure your submission meets these requirements.
Please note: Your name and submission may be published on the committee’s inquiry webpage, which will mean it can be viewed on the internet. You can request for your name to be withheld from your published submission, or for both your name and your submission to be kept confidential (i.e. not published). Whether and how submissions are published is at the discretion of the committee.
Public hearings
The committee will schedule public hearings to hear from invited witnesses in due course. Further details about public hearings will be published on the inquiry webpage when available.
Further information
For more information about the inquiry process please visit the inquiry webpage, or contact the committee secretariat on 07 3553 6018 or