National Energy Advocacy proposal – final comments due

The final directions paper for consultation has just been released from the National Energy Consumer Advocacy Body (NECAB).

…[on the] 23 November 2012, Energy Ministers agreed to a comprehensive energy market reform package, which was endorsed by the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) at its 7 December 2012 meeting.  The package included an agreement to develop a proposal for a national energy consumer advocacy body.”

Two expert advisers, John tambly and John Pearce, were appointed to advise Ministers. They hvae consulted widely, recieved a number of submission and now produced a final directions paper.

The paper presents the expert advisers preliminary views on

  • The scope of the Advocacy Body
  • How the  Advocacy Body will engage with current energy market practice
  • What the ideal governance and funding models are for the  Advocacy Body
  • Outline of the proposed relationship with other advocacy bodies such as the Consumer Advocacy Panel and the Consumer Challenge Panel
  • How the  Advocacy Body will engage and represent all consumers

The expert advisors want to hear from all stakeholders in regards to to the ‘Directions Paper for Consultation’ posted on the Standing Council on Energy and Resources website in the ‘Key Documents’ section.

The advisers have a 30th April deadline for the report. They asked that any final points are short and sent via email to the Secretariat by Friday 12 April at 

Formal submissions have closed for the proposal and were accepted during the period of the 8th February to the 8th of March. There were public forums on the 3rd and 5th of April to encourage discussion among stakeholders in Sydney and Melbourne. They can be viewed at the Standing Council on Energy and Resources website.