The laws that regulate the way in which measurement is marked on product packaging are under review. The Commonwealth Department of Industry, Innovation and Science is conducting the review as the authority responsible for trade measurement regulation.
The National Trade Measurement Regulations 2009 Part 4 describe how the name and address of the manufacturer, as well as the weight of the product are to be displayed. Currently, the regulations require the product’s exact weight or volume to be displayed on the front of the package.
Assistant Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Craig Laundry MP says the Government is seeking feedback on options for reform, including the option allowing the marking to be placed anywhere on products, as part of wider regulatory reforms in this area. “Businesses have told us that the current regulations are too prescriptive and need to be reviewed, and that’s what we are doing”, the Assistant Minister said.
The Department has released an options paper for public consultation, and invites public input on the issue. To view the options paper and provide feedback click here.
Consumers’ Federation of Australia Member Choice, however, says that the regulations keep business honest about what consumers are paying for and how much in the pack is just air. CHOICE have launched a campaign in opposition to the proposed reforms and are encouraging consumers to tell the regulator that they do not want to lose access to measurement information. Click here to view the CHOICE campaign.