Pet Food for Cats and Dogs – Have Your Say

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We are now estimated to be spending over $33 billion annually to keep our pets fed, healthy and well-accessorised. Food represents 51% of all expenditure, around 89% of this total is on dogs and cats according to the AMA 2022 report Pets in Australia: A national survey of pets and people. Standards Australia has released a draft standard which was revised with reference to pet food for cats and dogs to support the production of safe pet food and to provide information on manufacturing, nutrition, labelling and marketing. The standard should be easily accessible and understood by current manufacturers, new entrants, and consumers. It is important for consumers to have greater awareness and trust in the food they are purchasing for their cats and dogs.

Standards Australia encourages views and input from a wide cross section of the public on a draft publication during the Public Comment stage. Create a free account when you Login to Standards Australia Connect and browse the draft of DR AS 5812:2023 Manufacturing and marketing of pet food – Cats and dogsIt is open for Public Comment until 10 July 2023. More information on how to comment in the user guide for members of the public.

The draft standard was revised by members of the Standards Australia Committee FT-033 Pet food. CFA supports a representative to participate on this committee, bringing the consumer stakeholder contribution to the process and ensuring a robust standard of benefit to the community. Find out more about the CFA Standards Project and how to get involved.