Consumer Affairs Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ) has released two new guidance papers on the concepts of ‘durability’ and ‘safe’ under the consumer guarantees provisions of the Australian Consumer Law (ACL).
The ACL creates a basic set of guarantees for consumers who acquire goods. One of these guarantees is that the goods will be of “acceptable quality”. This guarantee includes that the goods will be as safe and as durable as a reasonable consumer would regard as acceptable.
The guides were developed to provide greater clarity to businesses and consumers on the meaning of ‘safe’ and ‘reasonable durability’ within these consumer guarantees provisions and assist them in applying these concepts in their day-to-day business.
Guidance on the consumer guarantee as to acceptable quality and ‘safe’ Guidance on the consumer guarantee as to acceptable quality and ‘durability’
CAANZ is Australia’s principal national forum for government policy, enforcement cooperation and coordination in respect of consumer affairs. It is composed of senior officers of Commonwealth, state, territory and New Zealand government agencies responsible for consumer affairs and fair trading.