Let the consumer voice be heard: take our survey now!


[box type=”note”]The results of the 2012 CFA consumer survey conducted in October and November 2012 are now available here.[/box]


The Consumers’ Federation of Australia stands up for consumer rights. Our new consumer survey is a chance for you to let us know what is important to you.

CFA invites all Australians to take the survey to help us understand how important current consumer issues affect you.

This survey is open to all consumers in Australia and should take you no longer than 10 minutes to complete. The survey is open until 14 November 2012.

Go to http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/RFXZBJ5 to take the survey.

We’ll use the results of the survey to help our work and the work of our 40 member organisations  who advocate for consumer rights. We’ll also publish the results on our web site later in the year.

The survey invites comment on a broad range of issues of which research suggest are important to the average Australian. Telecommunications, energy, and the supermarket industry are all covered in the survey – we want to make sure your opinions about important issues are heard.

Being a consumer is part of our everyday lives in many different ways. It’s not just buying clothes or the groceries. We are consumers when we sign contracts for phones services and internet, when taking out a bank loan and even when going to the doctor or enrolling our kids in schools.

The Consumers’ Federation of Australia advocates in the interests of Australian consumers. We develops policy on consumer issues, support consumer representatives in industry and government processes, and support consumer participation in the development of Australian Standards.

We want to know what consumers think are the most important consumer issues. Naturally the survey can’t cover every consumer issue in detail; we’ve chosen several key issues to focus on in more detail . We also ask you which other issues we should be looking at in future surveys.

You may also be interested in taking a look around CFA’s web site which has details of current consumer policy news and campaigns being run by out member organisations.

Thanks in advance for your time in taking part in this survey!

Gordon Renouf and Rebecca Treloar on behalf of Consumers Federation of Australia